302 E. High St., Ashley, OH 43003
Phone 740-747-2085
Fax 740-747-2085
Monday through Thursday 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
The Board of Trustees meeting is the second Monday of every month at 7pm.
January 13th, 2025 Board Meeting will start at 6:30 pm.
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Online library
card registration
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The library is free and open to all. Anyone may register and borrow from the library. Registration is simple, and materials may be checked out immediately.
Items will check out for three weeks with the exception of DVDs which only check out for one week.
Patrons can have a cap limit of 50 items which can be 50 books
or a combination of books and…
10 dvds
5 graphic novels
10 magazines
5 audio books
Teacher/Educator cards have 100 item cap per card. Items will check out for 6 weeks.
The staff is always glad to help you find the right books whether for personal reading or school reports. If the book you are looking for is checked out, it can be reserved for your use upon return. Online reference services at the Ohio Web Library are available to any Ohio resident for a variety of research and homework help.
A story hour for children is held every Thursday morning at 10:00. During the summer months there are additional reading programs and activities.
Materials can be borrowed from libraries through the COOL Consortium.
Two computers and 3 laptops provide free public Internet access through OPLIN. Wireless service is also available. A photocopier and a fax machine are accessible to the public. There are fees for copies and faxing.
A meeting room is available for public use with limited kitchen facilities and AV equipment can be provided.
A print collection of over 20,000 items includes an excellent selection of children's books and a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction. The library offers DVDs, audiobooks for all ages, as well as large print books.
Over 40 magazines are received and may be read at the library or taken home. The Delaware Gazette, The Columbus Dispatch and The Morrow County Independent are available.
Discovery Kits (themed backpacks) are available for preschoolers.
There is also a small genealogy and local history collection.
A book-drop is located near the back entrance so materials may be returned at your convenience.
The Wornstaff Library does not charge fines but accepts voluntary contributions for overdue materials.